Celebrating Change
If you're a Gold Coast local (or even not) you may recognise these 2 faces from socials, podcasts, modelling campaigns, magazine spreads & even a best selling book.
Because of that it can be all to easy to think you know all about them as well.
But as we know, what someone chooses to show the world ins't the whole story.
I met Ellidy & Minnie about a year ago as our daughters go to the same kindy & it's been so cute to see the girls (who we decided have bonded over not having dads) grow up along side each other.
Enjoy a little glimpse into the Pullin girls life.
Yes Ellidy is what you would expect - very open & what you see on socials is what you get. She is funny & friendly & always saying hello to everyone at drop off & pick up no matter how busy she is. Minnie is hilarious, such a character & a great little cuddler too.
I knew that the girls were planning on selling the house that Ellidy & Chumpy bought together & so we chatted about having a session to honor such a massive change in their lives. That this session wouldn't be about modelling or selling, it would be about them as a family & their everyday life at home - before that home changes.
I arrived early Saturday morning, Minnie greeted me at the door in her robe with fresh wet hair as she had just jumped out of the shower. Ellidy had popped some toast on for her & was getting Rummi's food ready too.... from there we just set about their morning and moved around the house into different rooms that had different meanings to them.
These sessions do not need to be hard work. It really is as simple as making sure we honour the season you are in before you transition to the next one.
H x